Religion Classes Fall 2021

 REL106 Exploring the Bible - Six sections (M,W, F, 10,11; T,Th, 8, 9:25 10:50, 12:15, 3:05) - core: Religion

There is a reason it is a best seller -- take this class and find out why for yourself.

REL107 Exploring World Religions - 
classroom and online offerings available (check the Portal for availability) core: Religion
Gain an understanding and appreciation for beliefs and practices in the major world religions.

REL109 Exploring Christian Ethics
 - with Dr. Hovey (M,W,F 8, 9)  
Start thinking about the BIG ISSUES--immigration, homosexuality, justice, war, abortion, love-- in this essential class for sentient beings.

REL208 Exploring Christian Theology (T,Th: 9:25) with Dr. Hovey
An introduction to central doctrines of the Christian faith that is both respectful of classic theological traditions and open to the new voices and emphases of recent theologies.  A required course for religion majors and one of the best ways to start loving God with your mind at AU.

REL232 History of Modern Christianity (T,Th: 10:50) with Dr. Slade 
core: Humanities  
Starting in the 17th century, Dr Slade will lead a jaunt through modern history considering how Christianity shaped and was shaped by the modern world. There will be pilgrims, missionaries, Nazis, Communists, revolutionaries, snake handlers, scientists, philosophers, abolitionists, saints, and sinners. This is an important class if you want to think about what it means (and should mean) to be a Christian today.

REL305 Advanced New Testament: Gospels - (T, Th, 10:50) with Dr. Aune
Do you want to learn more about the life of Jesus while asking critical questions raised by recent scholarship in Biblical studies? In this course, we focus on the four Gospels individually (focusing on the distinctive themes, occasion, and purpose of the writings) and then alongside one another as we consider their historical reliability for studying the life of Jesus. 
Fulfills the upper-level Biblical studies requirement for the Religion major.

REL497 Religion Thesis Seminar (M,W: 3-4:15) with Dr. Aune
Write a 30-page thesis in one semester on a (religious) subject of your choice. This is a required class for religion majors BUT it is also a great elective for everyone else.
