Religion Theses: Star Wars, Marriage, and Stand Your Ground


On Wednesday, December  4 at 5pm in the Library's Lecture Theater (take the elevator to the basement and turn right), six religion majors will make short presentations of their major theses. Please come along to celebrate the completion of their capstone projects, to learn from their research, and to ask questions. Topics covered in the presentations will range from Practical Theology, Ethics, Biblical Exegesis, to Church History.

Adam Bendel, "Practical Implications of Intergenerational Ministry"

Shannon Brown, "Taking the “Me” out of Marriage: A Community-Oriented Perspective"

Mark Gorsuch, "Neither Meek Nor Mild: A Feminist Theological Perspective on the Blessed Virgin Mary"

Leslie Mahaney, "Baptism Practices in the Early Church and their implications for Ministry in the Twenty-First Century"

Connor McKinney, "A Journey of Two Hero’s Far Far Away: The Gospel of Mark, Star Wars, and Joseph Campbell."

John Oney, "The Convergence—or Lack of Convergence—of Stand-Your-Ground with Pacifism and Just-War Theory"

The event is free and open to the community. 
