Scholar Shares How Not to Read the Bible: March 30-31, 2022


J. Russell Hawkins, Professor of Humanities and History at Indiana Wesleyan University and author of The Bible Told Them So:How Southern Evangelicals Fought to Preserve White Supremacy (OUP 2021), is coming to campus on March 30 and 31.
He will give a public lecture  “When God Supported Jim Crow: Segregationist Christians, Civil Rights, and the Challenge of Orthodoxy in a Liberal Democracy” in the Trustees Room, John C. Myers Convocation Center, 7-8:30pm, Wednesday, March 30. The next morning he will lead a seminar with Dr. Slade's class REL340 Religion and the Civil Rights Movement, Classroom 230-231, Rybolt Sport Sciences Center, 10:50 - 12:05 which is also open to members of the campus community.

These events are co-sponsored by the Ashland Center for Nonviolence.
